Evangelization of Children: An article by Laussane


The main focus of this paper is the evangelization of children who have never heard the Good News of Jesus Christ.  But there is another significant group that is addressed: those children within our church communities who, while evangelised, remain un-impacted.   
Definition: For the purposes of this document, children are defined as those who are 14 years of age and younger.
Going further: This document was drawn from a wide range of material that we explored and is not the only outcome of our discussions.  We invite you to visit www.forum2004children.com for further information and links to resources.


Imagine a child…

  • who knows and cares that Jesus is present with him/her and will never forsake him/her – even when the pain of life never fully goes away
  • who finds that hope and the kingdom of God are not mere concepts but acts of love by those who gather her into a place of protection away from fear, war, exploitation and abuse
  • with special educational needs who encounters Jesus’ unconditional love and responds with smiles and noises of joy – and becomes a worship-leader in a church
  • who in spite of being mutilated by culture, religion or neglect realises that she, a girl child, has been created in the image of God – and gains hope
  • who shunned by school and community because of HIV/AIDS finds Jesus’ love through the pastor walking him safely to school each day
  • who has something of the Scriptures in a format that will assist her to encounter Jesus
  • who although half-naked and very hungry, sleeps peacefully and safely in the shelter provided by the church
  • whose regular prayer partners include adults and together they share their concerns
  • who finds that Jesus can help him/her understand the difference between sinning and being sinned against, and that both of these are wrapped with healing grace and constant love
  • who finds a home with God’s people: a place where (s)he wants to be and a people (s)he trusts
  • who is sharing this relationship with Jesus with his/her peers and family
  • whose parents are the first to introduce Jesus to her and accompany her on a journey of discovering Jesus
  • who experiences with the Church what it means to know Jesus and have life in all its fullness.

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