Next Event
March 2024 Forum
MDN proudly presents its first ever hybrid event, inviting all network partners across Malaysia to join us, either in person at the Gospel Hall Kuala Lumpur or online, on March 16, 2024. Don’t miss this chance to be part of our forum that brings together industry leaders and experts. Expect insightful discussions, invaluable networking opportunities, and engaging sessions.
Diaspora Exposure Experience
A diaspora exposure experience can be as simple as touring a location where work is being done among diaspora populations to as involved as getting hands-on experience working directly alongside diaspora practitioners. These experiences can be structured for individuals or groups, and can be coordinated with partnering ministries and NGOs throughout Malaysia.

Diaspora Cross-Culture Academy
DCA was initiated to provide diaspora cross-cultural training to equip mission-minded people to minister to the diaspora and to catalyze disciple-making movements among the diaspora. Most courses will be offered online so that working people and university students can participate. Courses cover Biblical foundations, missiological issues, current diaspora trends, and many practical topics geared toward people working on the ground with diaspora populations.
National Diaspora Symposium
The NDS has normally occured every two years, bringing together practitioners and scholarly trainers along with breakout sessions focused on particular topics and regions. The 1st NDS pleanary speaker in 2015 was Dr. Enoch Wan, a research professor specializing in diaspora studies. NDS’s 2017 pleanary speaker was Dr. TV Thomas (originally from Malaysia) who serves on the Lausanne Global Diaspora Network board. And in 2017 Dr. Kevin Higgins, president of William Carey International University shared in the pleanary sessions regarding his involvement with people movements. Although we cannot have an in-person symposium yet, many practitioners have been meeting through a chat group, sharing insights, experiences, and needs. This type of synergy is producing encouraging results, even during the pandemic.